Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Small Things

There are many big things in the world that make us happy. Things like vacations, Christmas, friends, family and sports. Then there are the small things that can make us even happier like, a sunny day, cotton candy, your pet, sleeping in or even when someone holds the door for you. If you just pay attention to the small things in life you could be happier then if you always want the big things.

Two days ago I wanted to go to my friends house for a sleep over, but my parents didn't want me to because I had homework and my grandma was over. I ended up going and it was pretty fun, but when I got back to my house they seemed to be having even more fun then I did. My cousins had come over and I had no clue. When I asked why they were laughing so much they said because the baby was laughing and being funny. Then I realized that I had spent a whole day at my friends house trying to have as much fun as possible when all it took was the smallest thing, such as a babies laugh to make me smile and have fun. This is just one of the many examples I have of how the small things can make you so happy. This is kind of like my blog. It's not quantity, it's quality. It's not who did the most things , it's who had the most fun.

So next time your baby cousin comes over, or you get a chocolate bar or fall asleep with you cat, remember how nice it was.


1 comment:

  1. Brendan, your introduction is very thoughtful and challenges your reader to think about their own wants. You back this up with a solid example. Well done.
