Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If I Could Redo One Day

A young girl was hit by a car at 8:00 pm yesterday on in Waterloo and was killed by the impact. A young boy was hit in the head by a hockey puck and was killed instantly in Guelph. I hear stories like this almost everyday on the radio driving to school each morning. Innocent people die everyday because of freak accidents. There families are left wishing, "If only we could redo that day and prevent this from happening?" This blog was supposed to be about if I could redo one day, but instead I would rather give my redo day to someone who really needs it. 

Tragedies happen everyday to innocent people, communities and even countries, so why should I waste a redo for something that probably doesn't even matter. For example, people in Haiti are dying because of something that no one could have stopped. Imagine if none of it ever happened and the world stayed how it was. Children would still have parents and parents would still have children. Over 200 000 innocent people have died. One redo day could save 200 000 people. So why should I be so selfish and redo a basketball game that I didn't play well in, or an embarrassing moment that probably no one remembers. 

Seconds can change some ones life, or the entire world as we know it. The Haiti earthquake only lasted a couple minutes and it is one of the biggest tragedies the world has ever seen. If I had one redo day I would give it to someone who could warn the Haitian people and prevent so many deaths. It only takes seconds to destroy a part of the world, but there is always a way to fix it.


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