Wednesday, May 5, 2010


There are 3 sports to choose from in third term at sjk if you are a guy. Rugby, badminton and track and field. Every single year I have chosen track because I always dislike badminton and I thought I would get murdered in rugby. This year I decided to go out on a limb and play rugby because all of my friends were and it sounded like fun. Now, after playing a month and a bit of rugby, I have realized that I was making a mistake all of those other years at sjk.

One of the main reasons I chose rugby is because I have done track in third term every single year and I decided that I wanted to learn a new sport, and rugby sounded interesting. Most of my friends were joining too, so I thought that it would be even more fun. The first practice I was a bit nervous because I had never played before and everyone else had. I caught on quickly though, and after a few practices rugby became one of my favorite sports to play. We have our first game tomorrow and I am more excited to play it then I have been for every other sport.

I may have only played this sport for a month and a bit, but already I like it more then most of the other sports I have played. If someone were wondering what sport they should do in third term, I would say rugby because you can learn something new and have fun doing it. Track and field can be fun sometimes, but it is no comparison to rugby. Badminton also cannot be compared.

so, next time you are trying to figure out what sport to do for third term, or just any sport to play outside of school, I recommend you try out rugby.

I commented on Evan's blog

1 comment:

  1. This post shows how its such a dumb idea to never attempt to do something. It's also pretty funny how after your first time playing, you think it's the best.
