Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Everyday before school we wake up and put on our uniform. It's the same thing everyday. Having to wear the same thing everyday can get pretty bad. Eventually you start to think, "Why do I have to wear a uniform?" Here is my opinion on uniforms.

Firstly, the uniforms are very uncomfortable. I would be fine if I only had to wear it for a few hours, but having to wear it 5 days a week is just too much. I think more people would be fine with uniforms if they were a bit more comfortable. Also, having to wear your shirt tucked in, your tie as high as it can go, and all of our top buttons done up makes it even more uncomfortable. If your shirt comes untucked at anytime throughout the day, you get in trouble for it. I think that is unfair because it is bound to happen eventually and you shouldn't get in trouble for something like that. If you have to wear a uniform, you should get to wear it how you want to.

Lastly, I was always taught to dress how you want, and not follow what others do. Also, to be your own person and express it however you want. Well, a lot of people express their feelings through clothes. Having to wear a uniform exactly how they want you to wear it is unfair. They completely contradict themselves, because they say to dress how you want and not listen to what others have to say. then they go and make us wear what they want, how they want.

I personally don't think schools should make kids wear uniforms. This makes everyone the same and no one can express their feelings.

Brendan (I commented on Evan's blog)


  1. Dearest brendan, your blog was interesting and powerful. Thanks for provoking many thoughts in my brain. I will consider all of your points deeply, for a long time.

    For some criticism, don't change a thing, I think this blog is great.

  2. Very interesting point about expressing our feelings through our clothes. It puts uniforms in a different perspective for me. It is well-written, and you got your point across in a respectful way. Just make sure you don't over-use the word "unfair". ;)

  3. Why thanks you Evan and Cassie, your comments brought tears of joy to my eyes
